DSJ has a bar in the basement. Every Friday the entire school shows up around 2 p.m. and drinks 5 kroner beer until midnight. After that? Everybody moves downtown for 25 kroner beers and dancing.

Anna, my Russian roommate.

that swedish girl

Dan, the wide-eyed American.

Hanne, the Norweigan

Anna air-guitaring a love ballad to "New York", our other roommate.
Why doesn't the Corcoran have a bar in the basement?
Seriously, the school actually makes a lot of money from the bar. All the people working there are student volunteers and they make a killing off the beer sold.
boo corcoran boo.
that first and last picture leads me to believe that that anna girl is hilarious. why didn't lee university have a bar basement? hmmm...
If the Corcoran had a bar no one would ever graduate!
A bar in the basement of Lee would be an improvement to the University.
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