Friday, April 17, 2009


Got a call today... Because of White Nose Syndrome (see post below) all caving in the east (north & south) has been placed in what is called a "Moratorium", meaning all caving is illegal until further notice. Most commercial caves like Mammoth will remain open however. Poor little bats...


Anonymous said...

Hi, Holiday,

I found your blog through a Google Alert search for White Nose Syndrome. I am the the WNS Liaison for the National Speleological Society, the largest organized caving, cave research, and and cave conservation organization in the US, with nearly 12,000 members. We've been working on WNS for some time, assisting with field research and funding critical lab research.

A minor correction - the USFWS advisory is just that - a request for a voluntary moratorium. Most caving is not illegal, even within the affected region. That said, some government-owned caves that are closed do carry legal consequences for violation of the closures.

Thanks for your concern about our bats.

Peter Youngbaer
NSS WNS Liaison

Holliday Williams said...

Thanks Peter!!