Since I was about 17, I've been an avid caver (funny story for another post). There are over 100,000 caves in Tennessee alone and the Chattanooga area just happens to be a hotbed. Recently, my friend Jerry Wallace asked me, as well as a few members of the Chattanooga Grotto, to do a trip to a cave in Sewannee, TN.
If you want to learn how to use a flash, by golly, cave photography would be the hobby to pick up. We had so many flashes and people running and firing them off, trying to get the right angle at the right time...well, it all was a bit hysterical. I learned I'm more of a minimalist. I'm not very fond of lighting up every corner or having a big team of assistants. That's not how I visualize caving or a cave and that approach just seems to take away some of its allure.
Also, please educate yourself about
White Nose Syndrome, which is spreading quickly from North to South wiping out the country's adorable brown bats at an alarming pace.