I've been meaning to post this for awhile. The photo above is one I took of my father's silhouette in the foreground with our family business burning behind him. I was the one who received the call in the middle of the night that it was on fire. When we first got there, it was small and in the back of the building. My father was even joking about what trouble it'll be to bring in someone to fix the roof.
Then there was a loud roaring sound. Gas-fire.
My family watched it burn to the ground for over 11 hours with flames up to 70 feet in the air. At one point, the police moved everyone about 300 meters back and the heat was still too hot to not avert your face. I experienced first-hand what it was like to be horrorstruck and have the local media there with cameras.
I wonder if my emotions and senses will ever be as extraordinarily alert as they were that night. It was completely out of my control and all I could do was watch.
its awfulness
its awe-fullness
and take pictures.