The Points at FC

The weather in D.C. is...sketchy.
sketchy- adj.; incomplete, fragmentary, patchy, scanty, vague, imperfect, imprecise.
It's been raining the past few days and the cold has settled into D.C. All Rossi and I care to do is hide under our blankets and bake this weekend. I forced myself outside today to attend the "All Roads" photo presentation at National Geographic. I met all the photographers Thursday, but I thought I'd show up early and hang out, since I couldn't Thurday night (class, you know). They were bored b/c of the rain and asked Harry, Cocco, and me to come hang out at their hotel. All very genuine and sweet.
Spent the rest of my evening aimlessly walking through alleyways and hanging out in Northeast. When I came home around 1 o'clock, Rossi was baking bread.