Saturday, September 30, 2006


After deciding to spend my morning at school writing a paper, I found myself not getting off the intended metro stop. The day was so nice. I bee-lined it to the National Gallery. On my way home, I spotted a man feeding pigeons from the back of his Lexus. He stayed long enough for me to take a few frames. I was then stopped by a man wanting to know what camera I was holding. We spoke a bit about photography and education. I asked him if he worked around the mall and found he works in the National Gallery. He asked if I wanted to come to work with him one day. What a strange question to ask someone you've just met! I said yes, of coarse. Next week, he's going to show me the ins and outs of the National Gallery and take me out to lunch. Its amazing what one whim decision can do.


Yes. I have a blog now. I've decided to use this blog until I learn how to build a website using Dreamweaver (a class I'm currently taking). Its an excuse to keep me shooting
and to share photos with friends.

Simple. Enjoy.